Monday, April 9, 2007

Dinner on Ice

The mess hut was stationed at Bellagio and I can't believe that there can be a kitchen, as well stocked up and complete, in no man's land. Everything was available, right from the microwave and a food processor down to the forks and spoons. The camp chefs, Victoria and Stephanie, did such an amazing job and supposedly, they had never repeated a menu for lunch and dinner during the entire 15 day camp. That in itself is an accomplishment, since I have a repeat rate of 5 days when I cook dinner (Dhal and rice typically show up on the dinner table within 4 to 5 days) For dinner on the 9th , we actually had a pretty sumptuous dinner of Chicken pesto , green beans and baked orzo. And to top it all off, Stephanie had baked us a nice carrot cake for our arrival at the ice camp. Now that is what I call a red carpet treatment!!!

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